from Amazon – TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2017/04/30/the-past-present-and-future-of-design-in-silicon-valley/?ncid=rss
Repainting your house the same color it already was feels like a waste. It's a lot of effort merely to keep things as they are.
But if you don't do it, time and entropy kick in and the house starts to fade.
The same can be said for 1,000 elements of your organization, including your relationships with customers, staff, suppliers and technology. The way you approach your market, the skill you bring to your craft, the culture in your organization—it constantly needs another coat of paint.
Rust never sleeps.
[PS... delighted that I'll be speaking at the upcoming Convertkit event in June in Boise... Hope to see you there.]
The rest is mechanics. We're not wired to walk in someone else's shoes, it's not our first instinct.
Showing up with empathy is difficult, hard to outsource and will wear you out.
But it's precisely what we need from you.
Look around for a second.
Those bedrock institutions, the foundational supports you take for granted--they rarely last forever.
Nurturing and investing in the things we need and count on needs to be higher on the agenda.
Things that appear to be made of granite rarely are.
That's the key insight of the peer-to-peer connection economy.
Anyone can reach out, anyone can lead, anyone can pick someone else.
But if you wait for anyone, it's unlikely to happen.
It begins with you.
Is that a habit?
If your instinct is to publish, to share, to instruct, to give away, to engage and to put it into the world, then 'save as draft' is a rare thing.
On the other hand, if you find yourself noodling then putting aside, waiting for perfect, you're on track to be waiting for a very long time.
[Tomorrow, Thursday April 27 is the first priority deadline for the next session of the altMBA. This is an intensive 30-day workshop that creates the habit of shipping. We help people learn to see, to take action, to make decisions and to cause change to happen. It might just be for you.]