Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Udacity debuts a dedicated School of AI with three new nanodegrees

Udacity is intruding three dedicated new nanodegrees (its own accelerated learning program) in the field of artificial intelligence, which will become part of its new School of AI. AI has been a subject Udacity has taught nearly since its inception, beginning over five years ago, and the field has changed a lot since. It’s seen over 8,000 graduates from its nanodegree program, which means that its alumni make up an estimated 3 percent of the world’s total AI engineering pool, according to the company.

Now, it’s intruding an AI Programming with Python nanodegree, as well as a Computer Vision program (which it created with Nvidia and Affective) and a Natural Language Processing nanodegree build in partnership with Amazon Alex and IBM Watson. In addition to the three new focuses courses of study, Udacity is also revamping its core AI Nanodegree to focus on a core curriculum taught by Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig.

In a few months, Udacity will also debut a new Reinforcement Learning AI program to bring the nanodegree total in the School of AI to four. This was build in partnership with Nvidia, too, as well as with Unity.

This new focus emphasizes the value of the field to the market Udacity servers, and shows where its hiring partner interest lies. AI fundamentals, and these specific areas, are applicable across a range of different product goals and development efforts, and should serve graduates well in a number of different fields.

from Amazon – TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/27/udacity-debuts-a-dedicated-school-of-ai-with-three-new-nanodegrees/

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